Discarded Pallet Hoping For Second Chance At Life As Church Stage Decoration
Church · Mar 7, 2017 · BabylonBee.com

CHARLESTON, SC - A lonely, unwanted pallet discarded behind a local business stated Tuesday that it is fervently hoping for a second chance at life as a church stage decoration.

The pallet, which had formerly been used to carry industrial automotive parts before being let go, claimed it just wanted to serve the Lord in whatever way it could.

"I'd just really love to be one of the pallets churches hang up on their walls in an attempt to look rustic," the pallet said Monday. "I don't even have to be in the middle where the purple stage lighting gives that awesome moody effect. I'm okay to just be off on the wings."

"I know I'm a little rough around the edges, but if the Lord could use even a persecutor of the church like Saul, surely He can use me," the portable wooden platform added.

At publishing time, the pallet was ecstatic to have been picked up by a church planter for use as a foyer wall decoration.

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