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It's only a week until Christmas, which means two things — remembering the wonder of God sending Jesus into the world, and heatedly debating whether or not Die Hard is a Christmas movie. What if the two are more connected than you think?
The Babylon Bee is here to make the case with the following list of ways Die Hard points people to Christ:
Just as the film's title suggests, the devil found it hard to kill Jesus: No one dies harder than the Son of God.
Hans Gruber falls to his death and his head is crushed on the pavement in the same way Christ crushes the head of the serpent: Not since the Bible itself has the fulfillment of God's plan for the redemption of mankind been made so clear.
Salvation is through faith, just like John McClane took a leap of faith from the roof of Nakatomi Plaza: Youth pastors have been using this obvious metaphor for decades.
There is a black cop, reminding us of Christ's love for all nations and peoples: Beautiful.
The climactic scene was clearly an homage to the well-known biblical account of Jesus taking out the Pharisees with a 9mm Beretta taped to His back: Everyone remembers that from Sunday School.
John McClane is armed with a machine gun, much like we become armed with the sword of the Spirit: Could there be a more perfect illustration?
Like the theatrical release of Die Hard, Jesus' birth also happened in the spring: The allegory knows no limit.
Though people may disagree about Die Hard being a Christmas movie, there's no arguing the abundance of allegorical evidence. What other clues have you noticed? Throw them in the comments.
NOT SATIRE: Watch and Share The Real Story of Christmas
RevelationMedia is happy to announce that the brand-new iBIBLE episode, The Real Story of Christmas, is available to watch for FREE online! This eleven-minute video shows the birth of Christ in vivid 3D animation and includes an invitation to pray for salvation at the end. This Christmas, watch the episode with your family and share the link with others in your community! This video is an amazing opportunity to show the love of Christ and makes for a powerful ministry tool. In a busy time of year when the real meaning of Christmas often gets lost, remind others of the power and beauty of Christ's birth. Click here to watch and share The Real Story of Christmas.
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