Weird But True: If You Put Your Ear Up To The New Joel Osteen Book, You Can Hear Dozens Of Tortured Bible Verses Screaming In Pain
Celebs · Oct 27, 2017 ·

Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction!

Joel Osteen's new book, Blessed In The Darkness, is finally available for sale. It's sure to land on the New York Times bestseller lists and earn lots of money and fame for good ol' Pastor Osteen, if his previous works are any indication.

But here's where things get really weird: some readers are reporting that if you put your ear up to its pages, you can hear the tortured screams of dozens of Bible verses moaning in pain from being mangled beyond recognition.

"I picked it up to read it and heard a faint, echoed cry," one woman wrote on Facebook. "Curious, I pressed my ear closer to the book, and I clearly heard the eight chapter of Romans screaming in agony as its context was slowly stripped away piece by piece."

Scary, right?

If you pick up the new Osteen book and give it a try, let us know if it works!

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