Trump Supporter Outraged By Sexual Immorality Of Hollywood
Politics · Oct 24, 2017 ·

NASHVILLE, TN - Local Trump supporter John Creighton reported Tuesday he is suddenly outraged by the concept of the sexual mistreatment of women, his newfound passion on the subject coinciding with the outing of liberal activist Harvey Weinstein as a serial sexual predator.

Creighton rose to defend then-presidential candidate Donald Trump when evidence of disgusting comments about women surfaced during the 2016 campaign, but came out strongly against the mistreatment of women when Weinstein was accused of sexual assault and sexual harassment.

"This has really got to stop, now that I see the other side is involved in it as well," he said. "The second my political opponents get involved in some kind of sexual scandal, I instantly transform into a staunch activist fighting for the dignity of women everywhere."

"This is just typical hypocrisy - business as usual for the Democrats," he added.

The man also waxed poetic about the tendency of liberalism to descend into wild, gross immorality and promoted the Republican Party as a bastion of strong morals and family values, all while still proudly sporting a "Make America Great Again" hat popularized by Donald Trump's presidential campaign.

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