Researchers Now Believe Good Christian Movie Attainable Within Our Lifetime
Christian Living · Nov 30, 2017 ·

CAMBRIDGE, MA - Exciting new research coming out of Harvard Divinity School suggests that a good Christian film may be attainable within our lifetime.

While previous estimates had suggested a good Christian movie was still centuries off, the optimistic new study indicates those living today may live long enough to see a quality faith-based film.

"We're projecting anytime within the next forty or fifty years, a Christian company will make a movie you can get to the end of without audibly cringing," Dr. Ryan Wendell told reporters. "Our research suggests we'll see solid acting, a workable script, and subtle integration of Christian themes rather than overt preaching."

"This is very promising news for Christian filmmakers and consumers alike," he added.

It's not all sunshine and rainbows, however: Harvard scientists warned about the dangers of future God's Not Dead and Left Behind sequels potentially setting Christian movie advancements back by decades.

"Should Kevin Sorbo star in another three or four films in the next year or two, we're definitely looking at a worst-case scenario, in which even your great-great grandchildren will never witness a good Christian movie in their lifetimes," Wendell cautioned.

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