Local Man Not Ashamed Of The Gospel As Long As It Agrees With Modern Culture
Christian Living · Oct 11, 2017 · BabylonBee.com

SAN JOSE, CA - Local believer Jonathan Cisneros boldly declared Wednesday that he's totally not ashamed of any parts of the gospel that line up with the current cultural trends and consensuses, sources close to the business professional reported.

The saint took a bold stand for the good news of Jesus Christ, but reserved the right to suddenly join the enemies of the gospel as soon as it cost him anything at all.

"I am not ashamed of the gospel - as long as it doesn't cause me to defy any cultural trends or fads - for it is the power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes," he posted on his Patheos blog. "The gospel is the most glorious news ever, so how could I possibly be ashamed of it - unless it causes the slightest bit of discomfort for me to proclaim, in which case I'll turn on it in a heartbeat."

Cisneros has already made good on his promise, standing firm for the faith by quoting Scripture on his social media accounts, but immediately apologizing and taking the quote from the book of Romans down the instant it offended an unbeliever on his Instagram account.

"We have to be sensitive to culture, even going so far as to abandon the elements of the faith that don't agree," he said.

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