'Glory Cloud' Turns Out To Be Dangerous Gas Leak
Worldviews · Nov 1, 2016 · BabylonBee.com

REDDING, CA - As worshipers at Bethel Church enthusiastically sang and danced at a Sunday evening service several weeks ago, onlookers were reportedly amazed to see a shining, thick mist descending from on high, only to later discover the "glory cloud" was actually a potentially deadly leak from a faulty gas line.

Church members reported a growing feeling of acute dizziness, thought to be a high from the emotional time of worship.

"We experienced a looming haze accompanied by feelings of euphoria, lightheadedness, vertigo, and fainting - so we just assumed it was the usual manifest Shekina glory of God," one Bethel pastor told reporters after the service.

But as "a few more people than usual" fainted during the experience, church leaders began to grow concerned, and had the building evacuated as the deadly gaseous chemicals continued to slowly spread throughout the room.

Investigators later pinned the deadly chemical cloud on a rare and dangerous mixture of two different gas lines that had burst in the church's wall.

Reports of glory cloud descending during Bethel Church worship services have completely ceased since the gas line was fixed, sources confirmed.

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